The 20 Best Sleep Techniques To Combat Insomnia

Everyone is aware of how important sleep is to preserving overall health. Nothing is better than waking up eight hours later with a sense of rejuvenation and readiness for the day. On the other hand, nothing is more irritating than waking up from a restless night or spell of sleeplessness, wondering why you can’t seem to get the “z”s like you used to, and racking your head. 37% of British adults report having insomnia, therefore a few factors that influence a restful night’s sleep are melatonin levels, a healthy diet, and lighting in the bedroom. In an effort to enhance their sleep, people all around the world are starting to embrace “bio-hacking,” or the modification of one’s own biology through a strategy that blends nutritional, pharmacological, and even technological therapies. You can finally get the sleep you require by using these straightforward “bio” sleep tips:

1. One of the best ways to help insomniacs fall asleep is to ground them.

It sounds exactly like what grounding is. It is the act of lying, sitting, or standing on an undeveloped surface. Your entire body might sense the ground’s calming energy. The market is overflowing with “grounding” products these days, from electric grounding mats to wristbands. A lot of people vouch for these devices and claim that the calming energy helps them fall asleep right away.

2. Take a nap in an entirely dark room.

Light exposure has been shown to have a major impact on melatonin levels. In fact, studies have shown that sleeping close to a light source can reduce melatonin production by half. Put on a sleep mask or buy some blackout curtains to make sure you’re sleeping in total darkness.

3. Avert bright lights right before sleeping.

Furthermore, you will delay your melatonin synthesis cycle by ninety minutes if you expose yourself to light prior to bed (1). If you’re the type of person who likes to play about on your phone or computer right before bed, be advised that this could significantly impede your efforts to obtain a decent night’s sleep.

4. It’s simpler to biohack sleep when you consume less coffee.

Needless to say, don’t consume any kind of caffeine right before bed. If anything, giving it up completely would be a smart idea if you’re having trouble falling asleep.
It has been demonstrated by science that caffeine disrupts sleep because it is a stimulant that keeps adenosine from getting to the brain. Adenosine is a naturally occurring substance in our systems that builds up during the day and contributes to tiredness at night. Caffeine boosts our energy levels during the day and makes us more alert, but after six o’clock in the evening, it starts to interfere with sleep.

You may biohack your way to a better night’s sleep by opting for decaf later in the day.

5. Going to bed before midnight is a great approach to increase your sleep.

Getting into bed early will assist avoid being awakened by the cortisol surge that occurs because your body releases cortisol naturally around 11:00 p.m. Cortisol is not a healthy hormone for sleep because it is released when the body is under stress and provides glucose to the body.This energy can make us ready to “fight or flight.” On the other hand, persistently elevated cortisol levels cause the body to produce more glucose and elevate blood sugar, both of which interfere with sleep.

For your cortisone levels to naturally drop, cut back on alcohol, sugar, trans fats, and highly refined carbohydrates while upping your intake of lean protein and healthy fats.
Other options include deep breathing exercises and acupuncture before bed.

6. Exercise during the day as opposed to at night.


You know that energy boost you get from doing well in your workouts? Postpone it till the next day. Exercise stimulates our cells’ mitochondria, which are small organs responsible for generating energy. Exercise at night and you can find yourself up all night tossing and turning because your body will be producing too much energy. When your body really “needs” a boost in energy, which is in the morning, is the ideal time to exercise.

7. Putting your phone in aeroplane mode is one of the greatest strategies to increase your sleep duration.

EMF radiation is beginning to seriously jeopardise human health. The bigger and stronger wifi networks are not causing our bodies to adapt. Every wifi-enabled gadget possesses the ability to disrupt your sleep patterns and reverse any efforts you may have made to hack your sleep. Refrain from using your phone right close to your bed at night. Store it downstairs or, even better, switch it to aeroplane mode.

8. Are you looking for ways to go to bed earlier?

Consider consuming a spoonful of raw honey just before bed. Your liver stores glycogen, which your brain uses for energy during the night. To help your brain function a bit better at night, take one teaspoon of raw honey.

9. To improve your degree of sleep hacking, download the Flux app.

Blue light emissions from screens have been discovered to have a worse effect on melatonin synthesis than red light. To counteract this, download the free Flux app to your computer or phone and use it to replicate the sun’s natural setting. That being said, if you HAVE to check your phone before bed, it won’t be quite as bright and blue.

10. To get easy access to sleep, make passionflower tea.

Passion flower is well known for its ability to reduce anxiety and stress. If your mind is racing before bed, try a little cup of passionflower tea and see how quickly it calms you down.

11. Using camomile as a sleep aid is not helpful.

The classics are unmatched by anything. Since it has been used for so long, camomile is without a doubt one of the most popular sleep-aid herbs available today. Try brewing some camomile tea or taking our Advanced Night-Time Nutrients, which contains camomile powder, before bed.

12. Check out ASMR.

The term “autonomous sensory meridian response” (ASMR) is used. You may easily download and use your headphones to enjoy millions of ASMR videos on YouTube. These films play calming sounds, such soft scratching and whispering, through your headphones, making your body quiver and relax. There are definitely more oddball sleep techniques out there, even though this one might seem a little odd! It works pretty good. Try your hand at it!

13. Biohacking sleep is simple when you know the right tricks.

Taking magnesium supplements is a popular method of biohacking sleep. This is because studies have demonstrated that magnesium is a potent sleep aid that can increase your ability to fall asleep, stay asleep longer, and wake up during the night when taken as directed. If you’re feeling anxious, magnesium can help as well. Taken before bed, many people swear by the calm, deep sleep that results from taking a magnesium supplement. Muscle twitching, anxiety, and difficulty falling asleep could be signs of low magnesium levels.

There are nine different types of magnesium, and each has a special medicinal benefit for a different ailment. Choosing the right magnesium supplement for sleep is essential.

We suggest: – Magnesium oxide; – Magnesium citrate and bisglycerate

Magnesium oxide has the most elemental magnesium, yet absorption occurs more slowly. It’s quite easy to absorb magnesium citrate. On the other hand, magnesium bis-glycinate has the maximum degree of absorption and the highest bioavailability of all the mineral forms, thus the effects are felt more rapidly. The combination of these magnesiums aids in the promotion of sleep.

14. It’s simple to use a fan in your room to biohack sleep.


It has been demonstrated that white noise of any form improves sleep. If you live in an apartment complex or a noisy metropolis, using a fan or white noise machine can help block out unexpected noises. The fan helps you sleep in addition to cooling the room!

15. Contemplate grabbing a shower at night.

Have you ever heard someone say, “shower thoughts”? Why is it that our best ideas seem to occur to us while we’re taking a shower? This is because the heated steam from the shower sets off our parasympathetic nervous system, another name for “rest and digest.” The “alpha state,” which is perfect for falling asleep, is when our body calms and our brain enters this relaxed condition.

16. If you want to get the best sleep possible, stop drinking before bed.


Alcohol needs a lot of liver digestion. Even though having a few drinks before bed can help you unwind, the toxicity of the alcohol will make your body work extra hard to process, which will keep you up later. A much better choice is warm milk and herbal tea.

17. Avoid eating heavy meals just before going to bed.

For those of you with sensitive nerves, a big lunch can lead to concern that lasts all night. After eating so much, your body could start to sweat and feel palpitations. Limit your pre-bedtime snacking to tiny bites and stop eating by 8:00 p.m. to give your body enough time to process your meal.

18. One of the best sleep techniques known is to avoid going to bed angry.

When you’re thinking about anything, you can never go asleep. If you don’t talk about your issue with a friend or loved one before bed, you’ll only keep worrying about it.

19. Snatch frequently during the day.

A stable and balanced blood sugar level is necessary for sound sleep. Your body releases a lot of cortisol when you fast for an extended period of time, which can cause anxiety, palpitations, and racing thoughts. If you keep the treats flowing, you’ll be fast asleep.

20. Before turning in for the night, write in a journal.

To help you relax, it could be quite helpful to put your ideas and any chores you have for the next day on paper. Simply put everything on paper and let your ideas flow. Now, you might be thinking about what really matters: getting some rest.

21. Finally, take a natural sleep aid supplement.

Natural sleep aids such as our Advanced Night-Time Nutrients are even more effective in promoting long-term sleep health when combined with excellent sleep hygiene practices. When you combine these sleep tips with our sleep aid—which has elements like magnesium, l-tryptophan, 5-HTP, and Montmorency cherries—you can reclaim a healthy sleep pattern.

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